Monday, 3 November Keynote: Carlo Ratti
Tuesday, 4 November Keynote: Herre van der Zant
Herre van der Zant finished his Ph.D in 1991 at the Delft University of Technology on measurements of classical and quantum phase transitions in Josephson junction arrays. After his Ph.D, he went to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to work on superconducting electronics. After three years, Herre van der Zant returned to Delft to start a new direction in mesoscopic charge density waves. On this subject he received a five year fellowship from the Royal Academy for Sciences. In 2005, he cofounded the Molecular Electronics and Devices group in the Kavli Institute for Nanoscience at the Delft University of Technology. As a professor in this group, his research focuses on transport through single molecules and carbon-based nano-electromechanical systems (NEMS). He is currently head of the Quantum Nanoscience department at Delft and leader of the sensor work package within the graphene flagship.
Wednesday, 5 November Keynote: Jun Ohta
His current research interests are smart CMOS image sensors for biomedical applications and retinal prosthetic devices. His lab group has developed a CMOS-based miniaturized devices for biomedical applications, for example, a brain-implantable ultra-micro imaging devices for freely-moving mice, a CMOS sensor-based optical analysis device for microchemistry system, a CMOS based microchip for retinal prosthesis, lensless imaging device for digital ELISA.
He serves as an Editorial Board of Journal of Engineering, IET, an International Liaison of IEEE BioCAS 2014, a Program Chair of Biomedical Devices Session in Int’l Conf. Solid-State Devices and Materials (SSDM).
He is a member of the Japan Society of Applied Physics (Fellow), IEICE Japan, ITE Japan (Fellow), IEEE, and OSA.